The Science of Meditation Summit will feature insights from cutting-edge scientific research on meditation, lessons on the traditional practice of meditation, and practical tools to bring the practice and principles of meditation into your daily life. You’ll learn from over 20 of today’s leading researchers, renowned thought leaders, and wisdom holders, including Dr. Matthieu Ricard, …
Jon Kabat-Zinn conveying the benefits of the 8 week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course and talking about “The Cultivation of Affectionate Attention”
This is a passage on meditation and the art of paying attention in a non judgmental way to all aspects of our experience, including the wanted and the unwanted. It first appeared in the website Awakin which publishes weekly readings from a wide range of wisdom traditions. The article is written by Gill Fronsdal and …
Despite being pressed into service day in day out, we rarely pay much attention to our feet even when we are using them to carry us from A to B. One reason for this is that the bottoms of our feet are about as far away as we can get from our head, which is …
Tibetan Buddhists describe our essential nature as like the sky; vast, luminous and clear. From time to time however we all find ourselves caught up in the complexities of our own mental elaborations and the clarity of our ‘essential nature’ becomes obscured by clouds of self absorption and the emotional storms of “I, me and …
Our hands are always busy. They have a tendency to reveal our states of mental ease or discomfort. Many people make nervous hand gestures, such as rubbing or wringing their hands, touching their face, tapping a finger, cracking knuckles, or biting their nails. When people first learn to meditate, they often find it difficult just …
This mindfulness practice acts as a bridge between formal meditation practice, (where we take time out to sit with thoughts, feelings and sensations in the body) and the heat of battle as it were – our moment to moment experience, where we don’t always have the time or opportunity to go off and sit formally, …
I nearly hit a guy on a bicycle the other day with my car. I was indicating and taking the first exit left off a roundabout and this bicyclist shot past me on the inside lane attempting to go straight on and nearly ended up across my bonnet. I braked hard, he braked hard, we …
However we sit, whenever we sit, the decision to take some time for ourselves, to soften with our own experience of being alive, deserves a measure of respect. Take some time, deliberation and care in the very act of taking your seat: settle into your posture, bringing awareness to the contact of your body with …