The Atlas of Emotions is a collaborative project between the affective neuroscience researcher Dr Paul Ekman and the Dalai Lama. Its aim is to develop an interactive map of the human emotional landscape to help people better understand the link between psychology, neuroscience and affective mood states. Exploring the Atlas may increase people’s understanding of …
Another informative and considered piece on the rise of Mindfulness Based Approaches from the BBC courtesy of the BBC World Service. Mindfulness: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times Back in January, BBC Radio 4 released a slightly more critical and searching programme which I posted about and commented on in more detail. You can access that …
An informative article from the Harvard Business Review about the latest devlopments and research into the associative link between meditation and changes in brain structure (neuroplasticity). Mindfulness can Literally Change Your Brain is co-authored by Britta K. Hölzel & Sara W. Lazar, who are well known for their own work in this field from 2011.‘This …
There has been alot of comment on the Mindfulness segment aired on 60 minutes this last week. Some of it positive 60 Minutes’ Anderson Cooper Tries Mindfulness and some of it less so 60 Minutes Does Mindfulness You can make your own mind up by watching the film which I’ve posted below. Even more interesting …
Everyday millions of people leave their doctor’s surgeries with a diagnosis of a chronic illness. Tests are ordered, drugs or surgeries are prescribed; but often little is offered by way of explanation or cure. The Connection is a film about how frontier research is proving that there is a direct connection between our mind and …
For those who may have missed it, the excellent Horizon programme on the neuroscience of personality which explores whether negative cognitive disposition (the tendency to be pessimistic) can be improved by amongst other things…..mindfulness meditation. First aired Wednesday 10th July, 2013
In this special edition of Something Understood, Tibet’s exiled Buddhist leader, the Dalai Lama, considers what we now know about the nature of the mind and how an understanding of the mind is important in everyday life. He quotes from the teachings of Buddha and the work of the 11th century poet Milarepa, as well …
In conjunction with SoundsTrue, Dr. Rick Hanson presents a FREE seven-part video series—The Compassionate Brain—that explores effective ways to change your brain and heart and life. Each week Dr. Hanson will be joined by a world-class scholar/teacher, including Richie Davidson, Dan Siegel, Tara Brach, Dacher Keltner, Kelly McGonigal, Kristin Neff, and Jean Houston. They’ll discuss …