An informative article from the Harvard Business Review about the latest devlopments and research into the associative link between meditation and changes in brain structure (neuroplasticity).
Mindfulness can Literally Change Your Brain is co-authored by Britta K. Hölzel & Sara W. Lazar, who are well known for their own work in this field from 2011.‘This is your Brain on Mindfulness’
The updated piece refers to the recent meta analysis* of 20 different meditation/neuroscience studies from laboratories around the world and is therefore a useful springboard for anyone interested in exploring this type of research more closely.
For those of you who like their mindfulness practice with a healthy dose of science, enjoy.
*Meta Analysis
A method that uses statistical techniques to combine results from different studies and obtain a quantitative estimate of the overall effect of a particular intervention or variable on a defined outcome—i.e., it is a statistical process for pooling data from many clinical trials to glean a clear answer. Meta-analysis produces a stronger conclusion than can be provided by any individual study.