What is Mindful Photography? Mindful Photography is mindfulness applied to the process of creating a photograph. It starts with seeing and extends through the technical and compositional choices towards an encouragement to align one’s eye, one’s mind and one’s heart.There is a lot to unpack in that definition, so let’s start at the beginning. Where …
All day long we humans are walking around on the surface of the earth and we are often unaware of the huge ball that is our platform for life. We are equally oblivious to the force of gravity that the earth exerts on us. Moreover when we are up in our heads, on automatic pilot, …
Mark Tully assesses Henry David Thoreau’s influence, 150 years after his death. Advocate of the simple life, champion of emancipation, and fervent opponent of government interference in the lives of citizens, Thoreau’s 19th century ideals have inspired civil rights leaders from Mahatma Gandhi to Martin Luther King. He is also much revered in mindfulness circles …