Everyday millions of people leave their doctor’s surgeries with a diagnosis of a chronic illness. Tests are ordered, drugs or surgeries are prescribed; but often little is offered by way of explanation or cure.
The Connection is a film about how frontier research is proving that there is a direct connection between our mind and our health. The film features scientists, researchers, writers and doctors, as well as remarkable true stories of people adding mind body medicine to help themselves to move towards and change their relationship with diagnosed condtions including severe back pain, heart disease, infertility, cancer and multiple sclerosis.
To find out more, including how to download and pay for the film simply click on the image to the right or the link in the text. Having purchased and watched it , I can heartily recommend this film and rest assured, I do not receive any affiliate deals or kickbacks for its promotion. It costs a few dollars but well worth the investment in my opinion. So, go on give yourself an early Christmas present and take the plunge.
Here’s the trailer…enjoy.