At first sight, this practice is about bringing our attention to the experience of spaciousness within our visual field. It takes effort to shift our attention to the space around us, but when we remember to do so it can become a potent tool of awareness.
When we practice this externally, it also becomes possible to apply the same principle of ‘space sensing’ to our internal landscape. This is a worthwhile endeavour, for just as we identify with physical objects, so we grasp the seeds of suffering by holding on too tightly to our mental objects, namely our thoughts and emotions.
Experiment this week with shifting your awareness of objects to the sense of space around those objects. When you look in the mirror for example, notice the space around your face and head. In a room notice the empty space rather than focusing on the room’s contents; the furniture, people or other objects within it. Apply the same principles to the contents of your mind, bringing a sense of allowing and spaciousness to your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Reminding Yourself
Post blank squares of paper or notes that say “Space” in places where you will see them.
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Image courtesy of lilshepherd