Now safely back home in the USA, Goldie Hawn’s high publicity UK mindfulness tour has been on the receiving end of a bit of negative press recently, courtesy of the Daily Mail’s Portrait of a Very Unlikely Parenting Guru.
More specifically, the actress has been variously ‘observed’ by the newspaper, for letting her hair down at a nightclub, being photographed at 4.00am looking rather worse for wear and for having some behavioural skeletons in her cupboard when it comes to relationships, ex husbands and custody battles. The aspersions in the article are thinly veiled, inviting us to consider with raised eyebrows… Goldie really cut out for her new role of mindful parenting doyenne?
The answer is of course a resounding YES, Goldie Hawn is uniquely qualified for the work that she does promoting the benefits of mindfulness and her MindUP programme to schoolchildren.
We all have our stories, our demons if you like and have to live with those questionable and unskillful choices we have made in the past. I for one continue to make them.
Goldie Hawn is no different and it behoves us to consider that it might be precisely those painful ‘experiences’ from her past that have contributed to her philanthropic good work that she is currently attending to in 2012.
So let us not rush to judgement. On the contrary, I salute you Goldie Hawn, you and the Hawn Foundation do a fantastic job of bringing the benefits of mindfulness to a wider audience. Long may it continue, come back to the UK soon.